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Who We Are

The Evangelical Episcopal Council is a fellowship of evangelical leaders and churches within the Episcopal tradition, united by a shared commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the authority of Scripture.

Our Identity

We are:

- Evangelical: We believe in the transformative power of the Gospel and the importance of sharing it with others.
- Episcopal: We value the rich heritage and sacramental traditions of the Episcopal Church.
- Biblical: We affirm the authority and inspiration of Scripture as the foundation for our faith and practice.
- Missional: We are committed to advancing the Kingdom of God through evangelism, discipleship, and service.

Our Purpose

We exist to:

- Unite evangelical Episcopal leaders and churches around a shared vision and purpose.
- Equip them for effective ministry and mission through resources, training, and support.
- Empower them to fulfill the Great Commission and make disciples of all nations.

Our Values

- Biblical fidelity: We uphold the authority and inspiration of Scripture.
- Gospel centrality: We prioritize the proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel.
- Episcopal heritage: We value the traditions and sacraments of the Episcopal Church.
- Missional urgency: We are committed to advancing the Kingdom of God through evangelism and service.
- Collaborative spirit: We foster partnership and cooperation among evangelical Episcopal leaders and churches.

Our Members

We are a diverse fellowship of evangelical Episcopal leaders and churches, including:

- Bishops, priests, and deacons
- Church planters and revitalizers
- Parish leaders and lay ministers
- Theological educators and students


The objective of the Evangelical Episcopal Council is to unite and equip evangelical Episcopal leaders and churches to fulfill the Great Commission by:

- Strengthening biblical orthodoxy and theological clarity
- Fostering spiritual renewal and revival
- Promoting effective evangelism and discipleship
- Encouraging accountable leadership and church governance
- Facilitating collaboration and partnership in ministry



The scope of the Evangelical Episcopal Council includes:

- Providing a platform for evangelical Episcopal leaders to connect, share, and learn from each other
- Developing and promoting resources for biblical teaching, evangelism, and discipleship
- Facilitating dialogue and collaboration on key issues affecting the Episcopal Church and society
- Encouraging and supporting church planting, revitalization, and growth initiatives
- Advocating for evangelical principles and values within the Episcopal Church and beyond
- Building partnerships with other evangelical organizations and networks to advance the Gospel



Our Objective

New Members




Rana Singh


Church: Faith Home church

Rajandeep Singh


Church: Priesthood church

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